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May 17, 2022 1 min read

Meet (left to right) Angel, Juanita & Ed from the New York City Department of Education. I first met this fantastic team of SLPs and educators 3 years ago at my first#NYSSLHA Convention in Albany, where I was introducing the MindScent® Smell.Discover.Connect multi sensory kit developed for educators and Speech Therapists. It was a huge thrill for me to see them again at this year's convention in Tarrytown since COVID hit us hard in early 2020. Before developing MindScent®, I was not aware of the huge amount of the invaluable scope of work that Speech Therapists/Pathologists do for people of all age groups living with various diseases and impairments. Kudos to this fantastic group of professionals who have been giving me such great positive reinforcement and a wealth of feedback that have allowed me to discover all the various uses that MindScent® has to offer. Without their enthusiasm and interest in what I have created, I may not have been able to continue the work that I dove into in 2017 developing The Scent Guru Group and sensory kits for wellbeing.

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