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August 31, 2023 2 min read

Posted on Linkedin: The Scent Guru Group & Ruth Sutcliffe professional pages:
Scent Therapy-Hierarchy of Needs™ will be launching a new fragrance called "Water" on a dedicated website in a matter of a few days.

The fragrance is based on the popular psychological concept called Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs (written in 1943 by psychologist, Abraham Maslow) and has been on my mind since taking a psychology course in college and stored in my memory bank for decades. Perhaps the concept came to surface with the timing of COVID-19 as the world's population witnessed and experienced the ravages of the pandemic with many of us realizing what is truly important in life:  Sustainability, safety, the need to love and be connected to one another, the ability to have freedom and self-esteem and to express our creativity and desire to be the best we can be. Life is precious.

The fragrance concept came to fruition while I was on a month-long, self-imposed zen retreat in a tiny village outside of Paris--probably the most creatively important and valuable months in my entire life.  There were days when I did not speak to anyone.  I practiced yoga, listened to all kinds of music from Metallica to Chopin, did a lot of creative cooking and went to the village church every day to sit in silence and pray. 

The fragrance:  I never forget a great fragrance, and "Water" was originally submitted to me by a perfumer for a Nautica project more than a decade ago. It was originally called "Icelandic Water" and I fell in love with it. Now I can finally say that this fragrance formula is MINE to share in a bottle and find its way on the skin and in the air for people to enjoy. The name of the fragrance describes it all in just a few words: Watery, fresh, clean, sparkling and "universal."

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