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November 30, 2019 2 min read

Months ago, I decided to use a sizable portion of The Scent Guru Group's marketing dollars to purchase a booth at the ASHA (American Speech-Language-Hearing Association) National Convention in Orlando so that MindScent® and Essential Awakenings® Sensory kits could garner exposure to my primary target audience. This was a move I decided to take after having experienced very little traction from last year's initiatives that included attending and exhibiting at local health and wellness expos, Facebook advertising and memberships.  Lesson learned:  You can make mistakes the first time, but there's no forgiveness for repeating them. 

I've always been a good listener with communication as one of my strengths, so I pointedly engaged in a breadth of conversation at the convention with people who stopped by my booth, curious to learn more about the MindScent® innovation.  I met people of all ages and backgrounds:  Students, educators, nurses, occupational and speech therapists, audiologists and neuroscientists.  This new world is entirely different for me after spending more than 25 years in the fragrance and beauty business where I worked with perfumers, chemists, celebrities, and retailers.  Just as with beauty products, the best feedback received are from those who use - or could use - the product.  The engagement with my audience was definitely insightful and I will use what I've learned going forward. What I'd really like to do also, is to hug each one of the people I met for that they do, to help others.    

Overall, the convention was a good experience, and am hopeful for the beginning of a new relationship with an additional distributor who I met there.  My proudest and most invaluable moment was when a neuroscientist from Pennsylvania said that MindScent® was "the most innovative product he saw at the convention this year." To finalize my experience at ASHA2019, I had the pleasure of raffling a MindScent® kit to a very happy Floridian who happens to be a part-time media specialist and gives early learning to Kindergarten, Pre-K and Pre-K ESE programs at her local library.  I am hoping that her students have a joyful, educational experience with MindScent® and I do intend to follow up with her to learn of her observations and get constructive feedback on its usages.  Finally, my personal, educational learning from the ASHA experience is that has even though my MindScent® focus has been to help children with Autism and developmental disabilities, I believe its paths will be much wider, expanding into libraries, schools, children's hospitals and more.  

I hope that if you are reading this blog, you will stay tuned in and continue following my life as a 60+ entrepreneur and the Mindscent® journey.  Your remarks are welcome any time, and please do not  hesitate to write to me with questions or comments. 

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