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February 16, 2022 2 min read

The MindScent® Smell.Discover.Connect development process began 4 years ago(2/11/18) from a simple idea, but involved complex situations and hours of research and experimentations. I started developing the prototype and methods for use beginning with a sensory session with Vanessa (see link to the video below) at her group home in Trumbull, CT. This session was not staged, scripted, nor organized in any particular manner. I just "went with the flow" because every person with a learning and/or speech communication impairment is an individual, but knew I needed to find methods that could apply to most. Since that day 4 years ago, I lead other similar sessions at an autism center in New York City with children who have varied levels of autism. I lost many hours of sleep, knowing that manufacturing the product would require many hours of unpaid work, manufacturing dollars and intense focus assuming roles from operations, purchasing, the truck driver, marketer, sales person, content provider, and facilitator, MindScent® was manufactured in mid-2019. Despite calculations resulting in thin margins, I knew I just had to "do it." Developing MindScent® was my passion then and it remains so, because what was important to me then will always be important: To use my expertise to bring forth a product to help underserved populations that number crunchers would never had undertaken. My passion to bring MindScent® to fruition was based solely on the very simple principle to help humankind in a beneficial, therapeutic way while doing what I love as a creative thinker and developer. Since manufacturing, I have been selling to schools, autism centers, libraries, universities, hospitals, private practice speech pathologists, occupational therapists and memory care communities. The MindScent® business has survived the pandemic years and our business will only keep expanding. Now.....where are my Wheaties?!

The following is a link to my video on You Tube of the smelling session with Vanessa.  The video was taken by her mother, and approved for posting: 

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