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March 08, 2024 2 min read

Since I was a young girl, I always wanted to travel the world and meet people from different cultures and religions because I was convinced I would learn so much more about the world that way outside of reading books. Experiences count, and connecting with people from different walks of life are important for personal, spiritual and intellectual growth. 

Throughout the years I'm proud to say that I have stayed on that course of thought and have been fortunate to have travelled from that little family farm in the Ozarks of Northwest Arkansas to New York, Paris, 3 African countries and as far away as Tibet. After I turned 55 and separated from corporate life in New York, I was asked to volunteer at the Hospitality Committee for UN Delegations at their office in the General Assembly building in New York and was thrilled to continue to meet more people from around the world who were with their missions in the United States.  These experiences helped me enrich my life to a degree that is often mind-boggling.  Even with my current work, I continue to meet people from every walk of life, educational and socio-economic background: Wonderful women and men from all walks of life who are serving people living with (what I call underserved populations) dementia as well as people with various learning or speech communication impairments.

All of us have choices for how we want to live our lives, and my choices have consistently been to expand my world and to help people in any way I can, and I know this mindset is due to my mother, who was Japanese from Hawaii--who was  discriminated against by a racist group when we moved to that little town in the south, but she was strong, and stood her ground.  Mother was the most forgiving and compassionate woman I have ever known. 

So... in tribute to my mother (who is resting in peace) and all women in the world, I am offering a special International Women's Day (and weekend), promotion with 20% off of all products with a discount code, BEPOWERFUL2024 on my current website, The Scent Guru Group. 

Below are links to that website and the same discount code can be used at our new website specific to our new brand, Scent Therapy-Hierarchy of Needs™ (Scenttherapies):


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